
The Beaver (2011) 91 min - Drama - 25 May 2012 (Taiwan)
IMDb Ratings: 6.7/10 from 21,895 users
Director: Jodie Foster

The Beaver (1)  


The Beaver (2)


        該用「1」或「2」的概念來談或《驚魂記》電影Icon為基礎延伸,還是和年代相近的《黑天鵝》(2010)對照觀看The Beaver,2011諸多方式都讓筆者有些困擾。


The Beaver Trailer


l 簡單看劇情:疾病(憂鬱症) → 重來(離開家) → 自殺(未解決)→重來(海貍) →人格被吞噬但恢復事業(未解決)→ 重來(自殘)→ 再次療癒成功(?)

 The Beaver (4)The Beaver (8)  

        電影情節是非常清晰的圓圈邏輯,大圈內(Walter)有小圈(Porter)彼此依附。文本中Walter的兒子Porter 代寫(Ghostwriter)為故事媒介,期望成為父親到怨恨父親的自我困境;車前置物櫃的地圖,告別之旅是很貼切的形容。




Walter's depression is an ink that stains everything it touches.

A black hole that swallows all who get near.

They've all been waiting for him to wake up,to snap out of it,but he hasn't.

So,Meredith does the only thing left to do and says the onlything left to say.




“Everything is going to be okay.But what if it isn't?”




The Beaver: Wake up.


Walter: I'm sick.

B: YEAH,Walt.

W: On that,we agree.

B(W): The question is,do you want to get better?

W: I can't.

B: Yeah,yeah,yeah.You're depressed.Yeah.Lethargic.Anhedonia.

B: Wake up!
B(W): Books and pills.They're cotton candy.You've seen too many home-improvement shows.You think you can just splash up some paint and rearrange the furniture,and everything will be all right.You want things to chamge? I mean,really change?You gotta forget about home improvement,Walter.You have gotta blow up the whole bloody building.


B: What are you gonna do,Walter?(激動)

W: Blow it up.

B: Louder!

W: Blow it up.

B: Louder!

W: Blow it up!Blow it the fuck up!Blow it up!Blow it up! Right. Too right,mate.You can blow it up.Start again.Who are you?

B: I'm the Beaver,and I'm here to save your goddamn life.

The Beaver (18)The Beaver (19)



The Beaver創造後;筆者節選BM的對話為參考:

B: Did you read the card?

Meredith: Yea,I......

B: Read the card.

M: I've......

B: Read the card.

M: "The person who handed you this card is under the care of a prescription puppet designed to help create a psychological distance between himself and the negative aspects of his personality.""Please treat him as you normally would but address yourself to the puppet.Thank you."

B: There you go.

M: Is this some kind of a joke?

B: No,hardly,love.Nothing funny about it.


顯然這樣解決方式勢必有所依據,Dr. Macy認同BW;進入這家庭/回到家中;這是一個謊言,也讓情節繼續朝下一個重來邁進。

 The Beaver (27)  

The Beaver (34)  


N: Why not? You're so good at being other people.


 The Beaver (24)The Beaver (23)  

這部電影閱聽者可能會想分類,The Beaver是憂鬱症或解離性解離性人格疾患,筆者也不太清楚;不過The Beaver確實被創造然後抹煞。另外,The Beaver的出現確實讓文本增添了許多有趣的情節,但其中旁人對The Beaver的態度才更讓人感覺新奇。另外另外,電影中的配樂也讓人想找原聲帶來回味。



    海貍先生 The Beaver

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