Silent House (2011) 86 min - Drama | Horror | Thriller - 9 March 2012 (USA)
IMDb Ratings: 5.2/10 from 8,644 users
Directors: Chris Kentis, Laura Lau
美國版(Silent House)喔,不是烏拉圭版 (The Silent House)。不管是哪種版本,這是一種特別的「睡眠恐怖片」(哈)。
Storyline:This movie is about Sarah as she and her dad go to their lakeside retreat to pack things up inside because it is being sold. While there, her uncle also helps get the place up to scratch so they can sell it. The uncle has to leave to get an electrician to check the wiring, but after he goes she starts hearing noises and seeing what she thinks are people inside the house. Soon she and her dad are attacked by someone or something and they end up in a fight for their lives. But there's something more going on here than she thinks. Written by Michael Hallows Eve (IMDb)
最特別的就是「一鏡到底」(Long Take)的恐怖片;形式上挑戰閱聽眾對恐怖片的感官接受。但從諸多評價觀察(睡……)

資料參考:IMDb、圖片援引自網路(如有侵權煩請告知隨即刪除)Picture quoted from the network、開眼電影