Sinister (2012)110 min - Horror | Mystery - 30 November 2012 (Taiwan)
IMDb Ratings: 6.9/10 from 20,400 users
Director: Scott Derrickson
Stars: Ethan Hawke
Storyline:True-crime writer Ellison Oswalt moves himself and his family in to a house where an horrific crime took place earlier, but his family doesn't know. He is trying to find out more about the crime so he can write a new book about it to help his flailing career. He uses some "snuff" (兇殺恐怖影片)film that he finds which show the crimes to help in his research, but he soon finds more than he bargained for. There is a figure in each of the films, but who or what is it? As a result his family start to suffer as does he. Things take a turn for the worst. Will they survive? Written by Michael Hallows Eve(imdb)
完全在於一種神秘感(挑眉)。題材取決於神話的Bughuul 的圖像神秘和吃小孩靈魂的怪談。《凶兆》的恐怖類型讓人聯想到驅魔之類的或Paranormal Activity(鬼入鏡)系列的氛圍。作者形式上用一種後設角度(小說家)與善用8mm攝影機的老舊與攝影者/觀看者,讓閱聽眾與電影角色(小說家)置入相同空間去觀看那神秘圖示。
資料參考:IMDb、圖片援引自網路(如有侵權煩請告知隨即刪除)Picture quoted from the network、開眼電影