Moneyball (2011)133 min - Biography| Drama| Sport- 11 November 2011 (Taiwan)
IMDb Ratings: 7.6/10 from 147,136 users Metascore:87/100
Director:Bennett Miller
General Manager :美國很多職業賽,往往會將球員交易、選秀與球隊經營的部份轉交由球團總經理(GM)
這當然是一部精彩的真人真事改編電影,甚至有點像小傳記了。好,知道了魔球理論、認識了GM的工作、不看棒球的知道了MLB的歷史,甚至你知道看出了比恩(Brad Pitt 飾演)的心思對於自己的不滿足。還有呢?
電影開始引用 Mickey Charles Mantle(1931-1995)說的話:It's unbelievable how much you don't know about the game you've been playing all your life.仔細去咀嚼這句話,這也是一個疑問,即使你耗費了一生還是不怎麼能理解它。但為什麼?原因在哪?導演其實解答了這個問題,就在電影中用一種很親密的方式。
He would have to pick one or the other.
We're all told at some point we can no longer play the children's game. We just don't know when that's gonna be. Some of us are told at 18, some of us are told at 40, but we're all told. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
比恩與球探總經理吵架的對話,或許會引導一種 新式對決傳統的二元概念,資料說「魔球電影有些簡化了當年的實際狀況」(飛貓)在〈魔球電影雖好看 不讀原作恐被誤導〉很正中電影娛樂的情況給於很多另外的角度。節錄比恩對決球探總經理對話:
B:You're unhappy. Grady Why?
G:You don't put a team together with a computer.
G:Beseball isn't just numbers. It's not science. If it was, anybody could do what we're doing, but they can't. They don't know what we know.They don't have our experience and our intuition.
G:You got a kid in there that's got a degree in economics from Yale. You got a scout with 29 years of baseball experience......Now, there are intangibles that only baseball people understand. You're discounting what scouts have done for 150 years?Even yourself?
B:Adapt or die.
G:This is about your 經歷,isn't it? 20 years ago, some scout got it wrong.
B:Whoa.Okay. Okay.
G:Now you declare war the system.
B:Okay, okay , my turn. You don't have a crystal ball. You can't look at a kid and predict his future any more than I can. I've sat at those kitchen table with you and listened to you tell parents, ''When i know. I know." "And when it comes to your son, I know." And you don't. You don't.
G:我才不管什麼友情.Major League Baseball thinks the way I think. You're not gonna win.
It's hard not to be romantic about baseball.
B:This kind of thing, it's fun for the fans. It sells tickets and hot dogs. Doesn't mean anything.
P:We just won 20 games in a row.
B:And what's the point?
P:We just got the record.
B:Man. I've been doing this for...Listen, man.I've been in this game a long time.I'm not in it for a record ,I'll tell you that. I'm not in it for a ring. That's when people get hurt. If we don't win the last game of the Series.they'll dismiss us....And everything we've done here none of it'll matter.
B:Any other team wins the World Series, good for them. They're drinking champagne, they get a ring. But if we win, on our budget. with this team...we'll have changed the game. And that's what i want. I want it to mean something.
I know I’ve got to let it go...
And just enjoy the show
just enjoy the show
這是個除了人、金錢之外的「THE SHOW」
資料參考:IMDb、圖片援引自網路(如有侵權煩請告知隨即刪除)Picture quoted from the network、開眼電
影、。延伸閱讀:魔球電影雖好看 不讀原作恐被誤導、[狐思亂想] -《魔球》的大騙局! - HAPPIX 、